2.20 “Unbroken Thread 紗線綿綿 ” 編織唐人街女人故事圈系列

2月20日 星期四下午 5:30-7:45 
CBCAC | 230 W Cermak Rd, Floor 2, Chicago, IL 60616

分享主題: 女人的 “瞬息全宇宙”:亞裔移民女性的多重身份

還記得電影《瞬息全宇宙》嗎?這是一部聚焦於一位華裔美國移民女性Evelyn的電影,她在移民身份、有色人種女性、母親、妻子、洗衣店店主等多重角色中掙扎。亞裔美國移民女性會在Evelyn的故事中找到與自己生活的強烈共鳴。在這個活動中,我們鼓勵參與者分享自己在移民生活中所扮演的多重角色的故事和經歷。此外,參與者還將參加由藝術家Sona Kim主導的縫紉藝術創作活動。透過「縫紉」,參與者能夠以視覺和藝術的方式表達他們自己的故事,這些故事由生活中許多不同甚至相互矛盾的部分構成。

This event encourages participants to share their own stories and experiences about the multi-roles they have been playing in their immigrant life. They will also have an opportunity to participate in a sewing art-making activity led by the artist Sona Kim. “Sewing” enables participants to visually and artfully represent their stories that are made up of so many different and even conflicting parts in their life.

Join our story circle and let’s create a safe and empowering space for Asian immigrant women!

  • 限女性參加。This event is intended for individuals who identify as women.

  • 說故事環節將以中文進行,藝術創作將以中文及英文進行。The storytelling section will be conducted in Mandarin, and the art activity will be conducted in both Mandarin and English.

  • 點心招待, 響應環保, 請自備水。Snacks will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own beverage.

疑問? 聯絡 珊瑚姐姐 cwu@kanwin.org

Questions? Contact our Multilingual Community Advocate, Coral Wu cwu@kanwin.org


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